yh1122银河国际(官方认证)-Parisian Macao Club

广东Copper nanoparticle

  • name: 广东Copper nanoparticle
  • Classification: Copper nanoparticle
  • Corporate name: Dada Alloy Co., Ltd
  • Time: 21/10/27
  • Click count:  
Product details

Nano copper powder has a particle size range of 20-100 nanometers, therefore it has specific physical properties and is widely used in many fields, such as lubricants, catalysts, sensors, heat transfer conductor systems, electronic paste printed circuits, antibacterial materials, and so on. Adding nano copper powder to drugs for treating osteoporosis and fractures has a positive impact on bone density, tissue morphology, and bone fracture resistance, which can effectively prevent and treat osteoporosis.

Cu %






点击次数:   更新时间:21/10/27 10:35:10   【打印此页】   【关闭